Duo Show
Collaboration with the artist WooJin Shin across the chasm of time and space between Chicago, IL and Bogotá, Colombia. Our discussion first focused on the desert, but this line was dry. An oasis, perhaps, but this thought drowned in its overtness. In between the desert and the oasis we found relief from the concrete. We conjure and spy what seems like material certainty, but such sureness quickly revealed itself to be a mere illusion. Alas, we came to the fabled, desert mirage, and in this shifting and unstable site, found the ideal environment to codify our exhibition. Here, our artistic practices seek to root themselves in the pursuit of higher notions, even as we undermine these potential and ideal realities. Mirage appears to be an exhibition of paintings, videos, and on-site interventions. Upon approach, these discrete practices merge, recede, and give way to collective searching and uncertainty.

Project with WooJin Shin, 4th Ward Project Space

Instagram, vimeo