This is a posthumous homage to two important characters in
my life. My father, Adolfo Salamanca, a lawyer and professor who died of cancer
in 2012 (at the age of 62), and Adolfo Bernal, a well-known conceptual artist
from Medellín, who died in 2008 (at the age of 54). Around these unrelated
lives, which only link is their name, I explore various themes: illness (cancer
more specifically), destiny, politics, and artistic poetry. The project worked
in 4 manners, a traditional exhibition as the core part –symbolically emulating
the first cell of cancer– and 3 “activations”, everything during the
presidential elections of Colombia in a crucial historic moment (2022, first
time in history that a left candidate was elected). The first action consisted
in throwing from an airplane, thousands of flyers with the message Sin voz Con voto, which referred to the loss
of my father's voice for a year (because of lung Cancer), but also to the
democratic event of voting. Moreover, this work emulated a previous exercise by
Adolfo Bernal, who did this same action, but with the text: “The End”. The
second action was a message projected on a digital billboard just before the
second round of elections with the copy: Tu
voto hará metastasis ("your vote will metastasize").
Is important to note that the etymology of metastasis is “Beyond Stillness”.
Finally, after the left candidate Gustavo Petro was elected, I presented a
monologue talking about all these themes in a very personal manner and using an
expanded idea of silence as the main connector.
> Texto por Erika Sosa
Solo exhibition at Lokkus, Medellín
> Texto por Erika Sosa
Solo exhibition at Lokkus, Medellín